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【港股指南針】敦沛期貨高級副總裁林賽盈 (28/01/08)

本集「財華會客室」嘉賓敦沛期貨高級副總裁林賽盈回答Karman說,交通銀行(33 28可趁反彈減持,待下調時再吸納。Jane的碧桂園(2007)可考慮趁反彈離場。 KK C的中銀(3988)可待下調至3.1元以下再賣入。Nathaniel的廣船處於下降軌,如不能重上35元,可考慮止蝕。Hollan的重汽(3808)可考慮反彈時出 貨。

林賽盈:基金贖回潮 恆指恐試19000點 (28/01/08)

本集「財華會客室」嘉賓敦沛期貨高級副總裁林賽盈認為,投資者要小心基金出現贖回潮,屆時可能有「洗倉」情況發生。她認為,美國即將發表國情咨民,為美國經濟帶來短暫支持。另外,如果今天晚上公布的新屋銷售數據不理想,也可能令美國聯儲局加大減息幅度,短期利好大市。但她提醒投資者,港股的上阻力位為25500點,大家應該趁反彈減持。反 彈結束後,港股很有可能下試19000點。

法巴趙海珠:捕捉單日市況 指數輪可敲

本集「窩輪直擊」嘉賓法巴零售衍生產品部趙海珠指出,在市況逆轉的時候,不少資金流入 put輪。恆指輪半日成交達56億,佔大市35%。她提醒投資者,不要在逆市中購入高 街貨量的call輪,因為反彈時候未必升得足。

中銀白韌:暴風雪有利煤炭股 料美減息0.25厘 (28/01/08)

本集「經濟十分鐘」嘉賓中銀國際研究有限公司副總裁白韌表示,天災屬一次性事件對國民經濟影響有限,但擔心衝擊人們心理因素,不過反而對煤炭股板塊有利。他預期本周美國只會繼續減息0.25厘,小於市場普遍預期0.5厘。他警告說,投資者會趁機進一步出貨。他表示,內地股市與全球經濟聯繫日益緊密,美國經濟嚴峻影響全球包括內地,再加上A 股估值過高,不少大戶及機構投資者目前套現情緒濃。

Beyond Wong Ka Kui - Myth

My favorite English song from Ka-Kui.

It was a story told for years
When a young girl dwelled this land
With eyes shone like the star
And a smile that charmed both heaven and earth
The moon was ashamed when next to her
And the flowers bowed their heads
Her songs could tame the beasts
Her hands could wave all sorrows away

Yet that Fate was envy 'bout this girl
And a plot was planned to lay her down
To a pasture she was led
Where the grass was always green
In the midst of this wonderland
Stood the plant that'd bring her permanent end

The plant of death was in her eyes
Sending its fragrant through the air
Laughter form below was heard
With a touch the task was done
Like an arrow it speared her heart
Like venom it killed her light
As her body slowly dropped
Stopped the singing from around
Her soul left without a sound

The god of love was deeply hurt
When the tragedy was known
It cut right into his heart
With tears and pain he flew to her
To end this sorrow he drawn his sword
How red the blood that sprayed around
As the thorns grew around it stem
And the petals stained in red
Turned the plant into a rose

認識Beyond黃家駒(中英文字幕) - 和平與愛

認識Beyond黃家駒(中英文字幕) - 聲音

認識Beyond黃家駒(中英文字幕)- 音樂

Beyond 黃家駒《昔日舞曲》- 87超越阿拉伯演唱會

beyond 海闊天空日文版 遥かなる夢

BEYOND 完全地愛吧 (日文版)

BEYOND 1993 我哋呀! Unplugged 演唱會(海闊天空)

五人時期 Beyond 上亞記英文台玩 Live


